For those looking for AI projects click "Projects" in the nav bar or here

For those looking for programming tutorials click "Programming" in the nav bar or here

For those looking for game design dicussions click "Game Design" in the nav bar or here

For those looking for Arthur Bacon click "About" in the nav bar or here

For everyone else, welcome to a website loosely dedicated to programming tutorials and game design discussions.


This is my personal website where I showcase my various projects, post blog posts related to programming/AI/game design, and host whatever else I want to release to the world wide web. There are 4 main tabs at the top of the website:

Use the top navbar to navigate to the index of each section. The each section is independent, however sometimes game design will lead to code and vice versa.

The Programming section is primarily tutorials for C# code, and mostly for the Unity game engine. The difficulty or complexity of these tutorials range from dabbling programmer to expert Unity wrangler. I try to chain tutorials together to build up to complex topics, so with limited computer programming experience and a lot of time most people should be able to follow along.

The Game Design section is an open look into game design thoughts, musings and notes that I have. An open journal to inspire other game designers, and myself, to build better games.

The Lit Review section is for blog posts. Often just for notable research papers that I've been reading, or for required homework write ups for my Masters Degree program. A more correct (but wordy) title for this section could be "Lit review, random blog posts and homework submissions".

The Projects section is for write ups that have working code repos behind them. Each article in the Projects section will have a link to the relevant github repository which contains all the code used in the project.

The highlight feature is used different in the two sections. In the Programming section, the highlights point out the changes in code for people to follow along. In the Game Design section, the highlights point out the main points. The intention is that if a reader only reads the highlighted sections, they should be able to follow and understand the main content.